The school infrastructure arms-race August 13, 2019 The school infrastructure arms-race School infrastructure spending is clearly explained in this new interactive infographic showing 8,500 Australian schools ranked from highest to lowest on the income ladder, according to their average yearly income between 2013 and 2017. Circles are sized by total spend on new facilities and renovations in that period. Bigger circle=Bigger capital expenditure. Educators will often…
5 questions to answer when choosing a school April 14, 2019 5 questions to answer when choosing a school Choosing a school should be as easy as saying ‘they will go to the local school’ but if this isn’t you then here are a few questions to ask yourself to help in the process. Answering these questions should help you be a little clearer about why you are including a school or schools on…
Public or Private – which is the best school? April 5, 2019 Public or Private – which is the best school? What is the best school? Public or private – which is the best school? It’s a question parents ask all the time. So what is the answer? Ask a different question. The reality in Australia, is there are good schools in ALL sectors – Government, Independent and Catholic. It is not always the case that…
Let the children play March 28, 2018 Let the children play How will you be spending this weekend? For some, it will be a time of reflection and restoration. For others, it will be rest and recreation. No matter what you do, we encourage you to get out and go wild with your family – let the children play, make, create and explore. Are you a…
Education Facts and Fiction March 28, 2018 Education Facts and Fiction We hear from many of you that choosing a school is sometimes confusing because there are so many conflicting messages out there. So what are the education facts and fiction? Single sex is better than co-ed (not necessarily, it depends on both the school and your child). Can’t go to a Catholic school unless you’re…
Schools around the world July 1, 2017 Schools around the world A couple of years ago the Guardian published a lovely series of photographs to celebrate World Teacher’s Day. We thought it was worth dusting them off as a reminder that schools, no matter where they are or what type they are, tend to be the same but different. 5 minute view Photographic essay – The…
Australian Curriculum July 24, 2015 Australian Curriculum The Australian Curriculum Website (2014) explains the Australian Curriculum sets consistent national standards to improve learning outcomes for all young Australians. It sets out, through content descriptions and achievement standards, what students should be taught and achieve, as they progress through school. In 2014, Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum is being implemented in all…
CRICOS July 24, 2015 CRICOS CRICOS is an acronym used for the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. As an education provider of courses to people studying in Australia on overseas visas, Schools must abide by an intricate set of guidelines and procedures to quanitify for CRICOS certification. For further information about CRICOS in each state: Commonwealth…
Vocational Education and Training (VET) July 24, 2015 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Vocational Education and Training is training which provides accredited training in job related and technical skills. VET encompasses a range of careers and industries including trades, retail, office work, hospitality and technology. VET courses are standardised across Australia and may be offered at both government and non-government schools and can be included within the school…
School Staff July 24, 2015 School Staff Within a school, there are two types of staff – teaching and non-teaching staff. Teaching Staff – staff members whose profession is teaching within the classroom or on a one-on-one basis. Teaching staff also include Heads of School, Deputy Principals and Senior Teachers, who may also undertake administrative duties. Non-teaching staff – staff members who…
Waldorf (Steiner) Education July 22, 2015 Waldorf (Steiner) Education Waldorf (Steiner) education is an approach that sees the role of a child’s imagination in learning as the focus. It strives to integrate holistically the intellectual, practical, and artistic development of students. Developed by Rudolf Steiner in Germany in 1919, an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, artist and scientist in response to a request from the…