Private schools fees a good investment: yes or no? September 22, 2019 Private schools fees a good investment: yes or no? Private school fees are paid for out of discretionary household income. That is, for most parents, they are making a choice to spend any ‘spare’ money on non-government school fees over something else like a new car, a holiday, investing into shares or simply saving the money for a rainy day. They can access school… 1
Class size: does it matter? September 19, 2019 Class size: does it matter? I NEED TO KNOW Does class size matter? Class size is one of the first things many parents think about when considering the quality of a school. Parents are naturally attracted to small class sizes because, in Australia at least, there has been a concerted campaign in recent years telling us that smaller classes matter!… 2
I need to know: Composite and multi-age classes? September 11, 2019 I need to know: Composite and multi-age classes? I NEED TO KNOW What are composite and multi-age classes? Good question! Both a composite class and a multi-age class are comprised of students of different ages and stages of learning. They are different to a straight year group class; for example, the Year 2 class only has children who are seven years of age.… 1
If schools are doing a bad job it’s our fault. September 1, 2019 If schools are doing a bad job it’s our fault. If you think schools are doing a bad job, then here’s the thing – if you are an adult – it’s all on us. We recently listened to a talk back radio segment which covered everything from the need to lift educational attainment and outcomes in Tasmania to a blame and shame session based purely…
Will your child need a classroom? July 1, 2019 Will your child need a classroom? Classrooms – do they matter any more? Will your child need one? Will teachers need to be physically located in a school? Does learning have to occur between the hours of 8.30am and 3.30pm, Monday to Friday? Parents often choose schools based on their own experience – the institution they attended not only taught them…
Do schools discount fees? June 30, 2019 Do schools discount fees? School Fees – discounts, fee relief and deals Friday 30 June and the last day of the financial year means that all the fantastic sales are about to come to a shuddering halt, at least until the next ‘sale’ event! But what does that mean for parents considering a fee charging school for their child?…
How do I choose a school? Useful information for parents. May 15, 2019 How do I choose a school? Useful information for parents. How do I choose a school? It’s a question every parent asks at some time and even beginning the search can be confusing. Here is some useful information to get you started. How do I choose a school – when does my child have to go to school? Education in Australia is primarily the responsibility…
6 tips to find the right school May 13, 2019 6 tips to find the right school There are lots of schools to choose from, how do you know which one to pick? Download this quick guide to 6 tips to find the right school for your child or read on for more… 6 tips to find the right school – Tip 1: Visit! Public or Private, low fee, high fee, no…
5 questions to answer when choosing a school April 14, 2019 5 questions to answer when choosing a school Choosing a school should be as easy as saying ‘they will go to the local school’ but if this isn’t you then here are a few questions to ask yourself to help in the process. Answering these questions should help you be a little clearer about why you are including a school or schools on…
Public or Private – which is the best school? April 5, 2019 Public or Private – which is the best school? What is the best school? Public or private – which is the best school? It’s a question parents ask all the time. So what is the answer? Ask a different question. The reality in Australia, is there are good schools in ALL sectors – Government, Independent and Catholic. It is not always the case that…
The best school is the closest school February 4, 2019 The best school is the closest school This week a number of News Australia papers in the eastern states ran a story about ‘Shopping for ‘good’ public schools’ and the link to this behavior reinforcing the equity gap. The article quoted a paper published in December last year in the Journal of Education Policy by Emma E Rowe and Christopher Lubienski. At…
Scholarships – what are they, how much, and who gets them? Everything you need to know… January 24, 2019 Scholarships – what are they, how much, and who gets them? Everything you need to know… Scholarships? What are they, how do you apply, who gets them, and let’s be frank, the question most parents want answered – how much will I save if my child gets one? At this time of year, in certain demographic sectors, scholarships are front of mind – everyone knows someone who has one (and your…